Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Hello! This is Day #3 of blogging for me! It has been pretty exciting so far--waking up in the morning and wondering what on earth I could write about that could be of any interest to anybody but myself! It is kind of fun to think about sharing part of my day or my thoughts with somebody who may or may not even know me. I wonder what subjects interest people... I think I need to start reading more blogs. If you have one, please send me your link. Okay, so onto today's sharing session:

Today, I would like to share a delicious dinner idea with all of you. Tonight, I decided to make...Homemade Wheat Calzones! These are really amazing and fun-to-assemble.

First step is to make homemade wheat dough. I do love grinding wheat and kneading the dough from scratch. Today, however, I didn't have time for all this. I got the frozen wheat rolls from the grocery store. I put them on a cookie sheet to rise for about six hours.
The next thing to do is make some homemade pizza sauce. I found this recipe online. It was quite easy to make and it turned out to be so savory! You simmer together tomato puree and crushed tomatoes along with some Italian seasoning and basil.
Making a mixture to go inside the calzones was pretty simple. I put onion, broccoli and a tomato in a frying pan with a bit of olive oil. Tasty and healthy! You could really add any type of pizza topping at all and personalize your calzone however you like.
The rolls really look great after about 5-6 hours and are ready to be rolled out. I put two rolls together for each calzone crust.
In my calzones, I layered the homemade sauce, my frying pan vegetables, cheese and olives. Now the trick is to get them to fold over and close tight.
They bake in the oven for about 15 minutes at 350 degrees.
And voila! Now you have a tasty and nutritious meal for yourself and/or a special visitor. wink. wink. ;)


  1. You are so CUTE!! I love your blog and your blog posts! Your calzones look amazing! I'll have to try those out sometime ;)

  2. Brittany! YOU are so cute!! Thank you for reading my blog! It is a little scary to start something like this. You have always been such a supportive friend. I would love you to try out these calzones. They are so fun!

  3. I have an idea. You come to my house and make those calzones for me and I'll give you about 100 links for blogs to look at. Kapish?

  4. Ha ha. That could be interesting. Now that I am getting addicted to blogging, who knows?...maybe it would be worth it for me to slave away in the kitchen just to get some cool blog links!
