Saturday, September 15, 2012

You Turn my World Upside-Down

Wow! It has been a while since I have written. For me, the first few weeks of teaching each year completely wipe me out. Training myself to, once again, wake up at 5:15am, and now commute 40 minutes from Lehi to Copper Hills, has definitely taken some getting used to. My evenings usually consist of crashing in front of an episode of MasterChef or So You Think You Can Dance with a bowl of cereal and a nice pillow. Anyway, good news is I think I am getting into the swing of things again. Next week, I hope to get out and exercise after work. I actually found a really cool Hula class to try out at the local gym--but I guess I am getting sidetracked.

Anyway, I am really loving my students this year and most of the days, I have a super fun time at work. Last Tuesday, I went to Mentor Training at the District Office. It was a long day of learning techniques to help these new teachers want to stay in the profession. I found a really fun, retired French teacher substitute for my students that day. I was happy to know that they would be learning French in my absence and that everything was under control.

When I arrived on Wednesday morning, there was a sign in my classroom window. It was in broken French and read something like, "Miss Van Wagenen, you turn my world upside-down." How sweet. I always like getting notes. You don't get many of those in high school. I opened my classroom door...and what did I see?! Oh yes--everything was turned upside-down!! Every single desk. My tables. My clock. My computer. Many of my posters. I scanned the room and my mouth just dropped completely open. Seriously?!! My initial reaction was to be upset at the sub. I thought to myself that he must have told my last class period of the day to play a trick on me and turn everything upside-down right before leaving. I was furious. Why would he do that? A second later, I noticed an student body officer's sweater, sitting on a chair in front. Of course! This is something that the SBOs would do. They love pranks. The other SBO advisor loves pranks as well. I don't. I am not a prankster at all. I knew he must have put them up to it.

My mind reflected back to two years ago. I was called down to the principal's office during class. When I got down there, the secretary said, "Oh, he doesn't need to talk to you anymore." I made the long trip back to my classroom to see a sign on the door: We love you so much that we all pitched in to get you a new chair. I thought to myself, "How sweet. I could use one of those." I opened the classroom door to see...a free-standing toilet, right behind my desk!!! Really?! The SBOs burst in, laughing hysterically. "Open up the lid!" one boy shouted. I opened up the lid to see a Baby Ruth candybar sitting at the bottom of the toilet bowl. Gross! Who picks up toilets and hauls them into schools?!

Back to last Wednesday morning: I tracked down the SBOs. I brought in those smiling, guilty faces and had them help turn every desk and paper back right-side-up. The only thing that wasn't mentioned was my LCD projector screen. The French 1 kids came in and when I wanted to project some pictures of my trip to France for them to see, they were all upside down!!! The student officers forgot to mention that they had put my projector in upside-down mode as well as everything else. I took a deep breath and told myself that, even though this is not my personal love language, I think that picking on me, somehow shows that these students care. So, what about you? Do you enjoy planning epic practical jokes for others? Do you find things like this amusing or annoying?


  1. Oh Dear! You poor thing! I'm with you on the practical joke philosophy...don't like to play them and certainly don't like to have them played on me. I do think you are right about how much you are loved by the SBOs tho'! Love You too! <3

    1. Yes, sounds like we agree, Cyndi! :) Miss you and love you too!

  2. It's fun to read a new blog entry. You have some creative students that love you. That's good you made them put everything back right-side-up again.

    I think as far as teasing, joking and pulling pranks goes there is a line that people can cross where the practical joke can be really mean, hurtful and/or embarrassing. I think as long as it's tastefully done and there is no damage done it's ok. In your case, I would be upset if the students did not set things right again.

    I'm not one to pull pranks. I can never think up creative stuff to do on April Fool's so I usually don't do anything on that day. I don't think I would be mad if someone pulled a prank on me as long as it's not a really mean prank. It adds a bit of spice to life and makes for a great story.

    Have you seen this? It's probably filmed somewhere around BYU campus. What do you think of this prank?

    1. You are right, Brittany. It was fun once everything was put back rightside-up.

      I agree with your pranks mentality. As long as they are doing it in good fun and they help clean it all up, it can be a good story in the end.

      Oh my--that video is crazy! Talk about going above and beyond for a simple prank! Grass and animals all in the apartment? No, I had never seen that before, but it was pretty well thought-out.

  3. That's awesome Ms. V! Did you take pictures of everything upside down?
